Practical Security Considerations for Quantum Secure Satellite Communications

Martin  Bohmaan

Martin Bohmaan

Business Development Head

Martin Bohmann heads Department Head Business Development and Sales at QT Labs Vienna, previously his roles have included Quantum Engineer at Qtlabs,

He completed his senior Postdoc at IQOQI, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna (AT) and has a Postdoc, National Institute of Optics (CNR-INO), Florence (IT)a PhD in Theoretical Physics, University of Rostock (DE) and Applied Physics (Erasmus Exchange), University of Limerick (IE) and a Master in Physics, University of Rostock (DE) His field of expertise is Quantum Communication and Quantum Optics.

qtlabs is committed to evaluating, developing, and counselling of quantum secure solutions in telecom infrastructure, enterprise networks, cloud computing, and Big Data technology services. Our services help to ensure long term quantum safety to numerous users. Products include Free Space QKD and professional services.

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